Friday, July 16, 2010

Last Day of Work/Farewell Tour

Today was the day.
The last day.
Le dernier jour. (French)
Am letzten tag. (German)
El dia anterior. (Spanish)
Ultimo giorno. (Italian)
Ninigii-pooni-anokii noongom. (Ojibwe/Native American)

I tied up some loose ends this morning, mainly sending an email for feedback on the new checkout process/forms. My email was a little wordy. I hope they understood what I was talking about. It's kind of all on Kas to describe everything, which I feel bad about because a lot of the generation and my work was based on my experience. I really wish I could be in the room when training starts for that. I sent out a few more emails, switched my google wave account, and turned in my office keys and phone.

Then I started to to say goodbye to everyone. It's tough to say goodbye. How do you thank everyone for all they have done other than saying thank you? It was all kind of overwhelming. For a guy who usually loves to talk a lot, I was pretty speechless.

I started with the Links. Naturally, they gave me a hard time for leaving them. They are a solid group of students and were a daily reminder of why I enjoy working with students so much.

I said goodbye to Student Activities. Kim Cassel, Director of Student Activities, grilled me on where I want to go after grad school, whether I would go into Housing, Student Activities, or something else. She also ribbed me a bit for not mentioning her in my blog (I would say mission accomplished Kim!)

I then went to the Residence Life Office. They threw me a surprise lunch with the entire Residence Life staff, minus Tim as he was on vacation. I think they were a little disappointed when I didn't have the "OMG I'M SO SURPRISED!" moment as that's not really how I am with surprises. We all had quite a few laughs, the biggest pizza I have ever seen, and Black Eyed Peas youtube video (long story). I also got more nifty gifties! Penn College Nike T-shirt and a hat that fit me perfectly! Again, tough saying goodbye and thank you to everyone. Of course, right before I walked out the door, I remembered I didn't fill out the time sheet. So I stayed behind, filled one out, took one last look as I stood in the doorway, and left.

However, no rest for this guy. Had to go to Target and Best Buy, went to Jiffy Lube for an oil change, napped (ok so I rested), and homework. Saturday, Santana concert. Sunday, pack and clean. Monday, 14 hour drive back to Illinois, move in, unpack, and start training on Wednesday.

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