Monday, May 24, 2010

Why Penn College?

As Krista and I have met various people and professionals on campus, many of them have asked us what attracted us to PCT. Both Krista and I commented on how unique an Penn College is and how that attracted us to our positions. The irony was they said the same thing before they heard our answer. So, here's my reasoning for choosing Penn College for my internship:

1. Their Residence Halls are all apartment style accept for one building, Dauphin Hall.
2. They are building a brand new Residence Hall. I don't believe too many campuses can say that these days.
3. It's a small school of Technology. I've really only been to Liberal Arts schools.
4. It's on the East Coast. I've only been out here one time before, not counting the two Florida trips when I was little. I'm close to a whole host of tourist places, my buddy Tim lives in New York, and I get to live in the mountains, or at least what I consider the mountains.
5. The opportunity to be the first ACUHO-I intern ever at Penn College, hoping I can set the bar high.
6. The schedule for their intern basically fit my summer schedule.
7. The campus is beautiful. (Corny, I know, but I can always picture myself at very scenic campuses).

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